Why Your Struggling To Lose Your Belly Fat And What To Do About It!


Hey, what is going on everybody? I hope you guys are having an amazing day. This is Trevor you’re biohacking coach, founder of Biohacked. I hope you guys are having an amazing day. Today on this live I’m going to talk to you about why you still have belly fat. I’m going to talk to you about the biggest mistakes that you’re making right now that is stopping you from losing a body fat. If you have a belly, if you’re a man over 40 and you’re just sick and tired of having a belly, and you’re just, you don’t know what to do about it, and you’ve been trying lots of different diets and exercising every day, and drinking lots of water, and doing all this things that you know you should be doing, but you’re not seeing the results then stick with me through this live. Because I’m going to show you why you’re struggling and how you can actually solve your health and weight struggles once and for all.

Now in case anyone doesn’t know who I am, my name is Trevor Folgering and I’m the founder of Biohacked, which is a global weight loss and health company since 2018. I help men over 40 lose their belly fat without having to go to the gym or without starving their bodies on a crazy diet. And I have been really delving into the science of weight loss. And what I created was the Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System, which is our flagship program. And it helps men over 40 lose their stubborn belly fat, get healthy once and for all so that they can experience the health and body that they truly desire. And if that’s you, if you’re wanting to experience that, I’ll drop a link underneath this video once it’s done and I’ll be able to connect with you and you can experience the power of biohacking because it’s amazing. Once you actually do the right things in the right order, you are going to experience amazing weight loss. All right?

So let’s jump into it. I want to talk about some mistakes that you guys are making right now when it comes to losing body fat. First, first mistake that you guys are making is you’re eating foods that spike insulin. All right? All foods, carbs and proteins have an insulin response. Now you’re probably wondering, what the hell is insulin? Insulin is our number one fat storing hormone. And what it does is it takes excess glucose in your bloodstream and it diverts that glucose into the cells, into the muscle, into the liver. But the problem is when you are actually having too many carbs and insulin levels become elevated to the point where it’s unhealthy.

When that happens, what insulin’s role is really at that point is to convert excess glucose into triglycerides. And those triglycerides get stored in your adipose sites, around your belly. Basically it gets stored as body fat around your belly, especially if you’re a man over 40. If you’re a woman, a lot of the belly fat you’ll get lower abs and thighs around for accumulation of fat. So this is what we want to focus on. We want to actually reduce the insulin responses in your body. That means you need to be eating foods that do not cause, that don’t cause an insulin response, or a very minimal insulin response. All right?

Now this is really important because this is where so many people mess up. They think, hey, if I just diet, if I just go on a diet I’m going to lose body fat. But unfortunately what ends up happening is when you are actually on a diet, you still actually will be eating foods that create an insulin spike or an insulin response. You’re just going to be having smaller portions of that food. Right? So for example, you may be having chicken and rice, but the rice causes an insulin spike, an insulin response. Especially when it’s white rice, there’s no nutritional value in white rice. All the fiber has been stripped away. There really is nothing good about white rice. And then what ends up happening is insulin gets spiked.

If you’re doing that over a month or two months or three months, you’re eating rice, oatmeal, bread pastas, you will eventually, even if it’s a low calorie diet, you will eventually not lose body fat or you’ll even gain body fat. All right? So this is really important to realize is that we need to control insulin. If you’re looking to lose body fat, the number one thing is you want to reduce insulin. Now, when that happens, what ends up happening is your body will actually increase something called glucagon. Glucagon is our fat burning hormone. Now when insulin levels are high, glucagon is low. All right? Now, if insulin levels are low, glucagon is high. And glucagon’s job is just to go to the liver and signal the liver to actually break down body fat, so that body fat can be used for energy by the cells.

Now that’s how you lose weight properly. It’s not about dieting. It’s not about going on a low calorie diet. It’s not even about exercising in a gym because exercising in a gym doesn’t have anything to do with insulin and glucagon. It’s essentially when you’re exercising in a gym, yeah, you’re working your muscles. You’re getting improved cardiovascular health, but in regards to tapping into your own body fat stores, that doesn’t even happen in the gym. If you or I try to lose body fat in the gym, you’d have to work out for two plus hours every day for seven days a week. Now who has time for that. Right? No one has time to work out in the gym for two plus hours. For myself personally, I work out anywhere between 30 minutes to 45 minutes to an hour, depending on where I’m at in my training cycles.

But anyway, going back to the point is that if you’re trying to lose body fat, we need to control insulin. A lot of us have insulin issues where we have something called hyperinsulinemia, which is your body’s just pumping out insulin like crazy. All right? And that leads to diseases. It leads to diabetes. It leads to heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, cancers, neurological issues. You name any disease in the body, it’s due to higher levels of insulin over a prolonged period of time. All right? If you’re not losing body fat it’s because glucagon is nonexistent. There is no glucagon in your body or your body’s not producing any glucagon. And it’s just being fed by glucose.

Now glucose is the number one thing we can control. If you are having belly fat issues, if you can’t lose body fat, the number one reason is because your glucose is out of control. You’ve got rampant glucose. I should have wrote that backwards. Rampant glucose in your body. All right now glucose is the number one molecule that will actually create disease in your body. If you have excess amount of glucose, your cells will start to slowly break down. Because insulin cannot communicate or will not be able to communicate properly with the cell and the cell will start to die. And that’s called insulin resistance. This is one of the most dangerous diseases out there. It’s called insulin resistance. It’s essentially when the cells stop communicating with insulin and there’s more glucose in the bloodstream. Okay? And that is extremely dangerous. And people die because of this one disease. If we were to actually heal the world from insulin resistance, our whole world would be a lot more healthier.

And so this is the one thing that you want to control in your meal plan or your diet or whatever you want to call it, your nutritional protocol, you want to control glucose. That’s the first thing. So having foods like breads, pasta, cereals, oatmeal, whatever carb foods, we want to eliminate those carbs. Okay? We want to replace it with fats and fibers. These types of foods, vegetables, fats do not affect insulin levels at all. And that’s the biggest thing we want to realize. Fiber has no effect on insulin. Fats have no effect on insulin. So when you’re actually trying to lose body fat, it’s actually about having a higher fat nutritional protocol. It’s really, really important in regards to just making sure that your body’s running perfectly. This means when it comes to gut health, fiber is really good for gut health. So is fats.

So you want to make sure that when you’re trying to lose body fat, you want to reduce the insulin load that’s coming out of your pancreas. That’s going to help increase glucagon. And you want to control glucose. So you want to be eating foods that are higher in fats, moderate in proteins, and lower in carbs. So what we do in the Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System is we create 6 to 12 personalized meal plans that are designed for your unique biology. And what that does is that helps drive down glucose and switches your body from using glucose to actually using your own body fat for energy. This is really fantastic because in the past diets always have been the mainstream and diets keep insulin levels high. Even if you go on a low calorie diet, insulin levels will stay elevated. You’ll not have glucogon running out of your pancreas, and then weight loss will stall. Or you eventually won’t lose any weight on a low caloric diet because insulin levels are high.

So in our system, we focus in on actually switching your body away from glucose to actually using your body fat 24/7. This is incredibly important if you want to improve the health and longevity of your body, but also lose the belly fat as well. So I’m inviting you into our system. And what I’m going to do is I’m going to drop my link underneath here for my biohacking website. You can check out that link, check out all the success stories, the testimonials. Everything in our system is designed to help you burn maximum amount of body fat in three months. All of our clients achieve anywhere between 30 to 60 pounds of body fat lost in three months. Which is incredible. It’s anywhere between 2.5 to 3.3 pounds of body fat lost per week. We have amazing results in our system.

So if you’re interested, check out our Biohack The Fat website. It’s going to be amazing. Biohacking is taking over the world. So that’s it for me today on this live. Make sure that you control glucose. That’s the first thing when you’re trying to lose body fat. It’s not about dieting. It’s not about going to the gym six days a week. It’s about controlling the glucose in your body. It’s controlling glucose, controlling insulin, which is going to help drive glucagon levels sky high, and you’ll be able to lose their belly fat for life. All right? So that’s it for me today. Hope you guys are having an amazing day. Keep biohacking into your body fat stores and we’ll chat with you soon. Bye for now.

Effective Weight Loss For Men Over 40 — Lose Weight Without Diets (biohackthefat.com)

Your Biohacking Coach — Trevor Folgering



Biohack The Fat: Weight Loss for 40+ Men
Biohack The Fat: Weight Loss for 40+ Men

Written by Biohack The Fat: Weight Loss for 40+ Men

Helping Men Over 40 Lose Up To 40 lbs. Of Belly Fat In Just 3 Months Without Dieting or Going To The Gym 6x/Week!

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