The Secret Weight Loss “Syntax” That All Men Over 40 Should be Using To Lose Weight!


Trevor folgering — Biohacking your body fat — Biohacked — weight loss syntax

When it comes to losing weight, the most important aspect is to use the correct weight loss SYNTAX for fast and easy weight loss.

Before I explain what a syntax is, let’s take a look at the following scenario…

The Dog Bit Johnny…


Johnny Bit the Dog…

Can you see how the outcome is totally different?

In the two above sentences there are the same number of words, they are just rearranged differently, which produces a very different outcome (Especially if your Johnny!)

This is called a SYNTAX!

A Syntax is the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language.

Now as you can tell, by just rearranging the words in the sentence we come to a very different scenario for the two participants!

The same is true for trying to lose weight…

You can have all the right elements, but put them in the wrong order, and no significant weight loss happens!

We can also make the analogy of a combination lock.

So, to open up one of these locks, you have to dial the numbers just right and in the right order…

If just one number is off, or you don’t spin the dial in the right direction, what happens?

That is right, nothing happens and the lock refuses to open.

Now suppose you wanted to phone your best friend but did not have her number on speed dial.

You manually punch in the numbers in your cell phone, but instead of dialing 306–757–7111, you dial 306–757–7122…

What happens?

You get someone on the other end of the line, who has no idea who you are!

I am pointing out all of these analogies, because losing weigh has the same type of “syntax.”

If you have all the right elements of weight loss, but you put them in the wrong order, you get no significant weight loss results.

This is why losing weight can be so frustrating for many men and women over 40, as they have learned little bits and pieces of weight loss, but fail to put everything together, which makes the body become a lean mean fat-burning machine.

One of the main problems that so many people have when it comes to losing weight is that they have been told Not even taught) a bunch of “mish-mash” information that is a bunch of half truths, or even lies, that keep them stuck and not moving forward when it comes to losing weight.

This is why we are so passionate about helping you achieve your weight loss goals!

Because we Educate you on the correct way to lose weight and keep it off for life!

In other words, we give you the correct weight loss “syntax.”

This is how our clients can lose 30–60 lbs. of body fat in three months and keep it off!

It’s not magic!

It’s not hopeful wishing that it will work this time…

This is the scientifically backed process that will help you finally win the weight loss battle that you have been struggling with your entire life!

Now is the time to become a Biohacker and lose the belly fat for good!

Enrollment is now open for The Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System!

We want you to experience the right “Weight loss Syntax” so that you can truly create the body and health that you deserve!

All you need to do to start is to book a call with one of our Biohacking Coaches and get enrolled within the program.

Just click the link below to et started:

It is time to experience what it feels like to follow the right secret formula and lose the body fat for good!

Let’s get your body Biohacked for 2021 and beyond!

Your Biohacking Coach and Founder of Biohacked.

Trevor Folgering

Trevor Folgering — Biohacking Your Body Fat Stores



Biohack The Fat: Weight Loss for 40+ Men
Biohack The Fat: Weight Loss for 40+ Men

Written by Biohack The Fat: Weight Loss for 40+ Men

Helping Men Over 40 Lose Up To 40 lbs. Of Belly Fat In Just 3 Months Without Dieting or Going To The Gym 6x/Week!

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