The Top 5 Foods That Will Help You Lose Weight And Eliminate Diseases
For men over 40, there are specific foods that you want to focus in on when it comes to losing body fat.
Some of these foods act as a catalyst for your body to release a fat burning hormone called, others are amazing for gut health.
These foods put in the right combinations will allow your body to start releasing body fat for energy each day.
Let’s take a look at them now:
- Salted Butter — This may be a surprise that butter is on the list — Afterall it has been villainized for over 50 years as something that causes heart disease and heart attacks. However this couldn’t be further from the truth. Butter has small chained fatty acids, which the body can convert to Butyrate. Unlike most other cells in your body which use sugar (glucose) as their main energy source, the cells of the lining of your gut (colonocytes) mainly use butyrate. Without butyrate, these cells would not be able to carry out their functions correctly. So if you have had gut issues in the past — add in salted butter into your diet, and watch your gut health improve dramatically.
- Avocados — Touted as a powerful superfood, Avocados are high in many different vitamins including Vitamin K, C, E B5, B6 and E. In addition, one Avocado has more potassium then one banana! The most important component of Avocados is that they are high in Monounsaturated fats which help keep your fat storing hormone Insulin low and can trigger your body to release another hormone, Glucagon to start to release your body fat for energy. Eat at least one Avocado a day for amazing health!
- Olive Oil — The one oil that you should focus in on every day is olive oil. Olive oil is rich in antioxidants and is wonderful for heart health. In addition, olive oil can drive down inflammation in the body, and can protect against heart disease. It is loaded with heart healthy Monounsaturated fats and can help you reduce diseases in the body like Type 2 Diabetes and Alzheimer’s.
- Salmon — Has the highest amount of Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids of any of the cold fish. Omega 3’s play an integral role in the health of your cells, as well as contributes to healthy brain function. They also may fight diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, asthma, depression, diabetes, high blood pressure, macular degeneration, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. One serving of Salmon (About 100 grams) 14.6 grams of fats, 12 grams of those coming straight from Omega 3’s.
- High Fat Whipping Cream — Another very misunderstood food is High Fat Cream. Much like butter, high fat whipping cream contains small chained fatty acids which get converted to Butyrate and help improve gut health. Also, the saturated fat content is wonderful and help improve your Cholesterol profile. (Cholesterol is not harmful to the body!) For more information on this, check out my blog where I speak about the myths around high cholesterol levels.
Are you surprised by the foods that are on this list?
I would really encourage you to add some if not all of these foods to your nutritional intake each and every day.
You will be surprised how your health and your body will improve as you consistently eat these foods.
In the Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System, we develop scientifically developed meal plans that are tailored to your food tastes.
These meal plans will drive your body into a fat burning state and help you become the healthiest version of yourself.
If you have been struggling with your weight and health for most of your life, then it is time to do something about it!
You can become a Biohacker and lose 30–60 lbs. of body fat without the need to go on a diet or exercise in the gym 6x/week!
Check out the BioHack The Fat Body Transformation System below!
We look forward to helping you biohack into your body fat stores in 2021 and beyond!
Trevor Folgering — Founder of Biohacked and Your Biohacking Coach
P.S — Would you like one-on-one coaching from our BioHacking Coaches? Join our exclusive group for men who would like to finally get rid of their belly fat and become super confident about there bodies. Just click the link below for instant access!