The Secret Sauce To Losing Weight Without The Need To Go On a Diet!
Have you ever been confused about how to lose weight? Have you tried numerous “diets’ and end up going through the same repetitive “weight loss cycles”?
You end up losing some weight, only to regain the weight back after you finish the “diet.”
Does this experience sound familiar to you?
If it does, I want to help you understand how to properly lose the weight without even having to go on a diet.
By the end of this article, you will understand that when it comes to losing weight, it is about the specific types of foods that you eat throughout the day, and how these types of foods influence the bodies ability to use or store energy from the body fat stores.
The “Secret Sauce” for Weight Loss
Within our bodies we have two distinct hormones that can signal the body to store the food we eat as bodyfat or release body fat to be used as energy at the cellular level.
These two hormones are called:
1) Insulin
2) Glucagon
Insulin is a very powerful anabolic hormones that is released from the beta cells of the pancreas. Each time you eat certain combinations of foods, your body has to break down these foods into glucose, which is our bodies most useable energy source.
Once your body senses an extra surge of glucose in the blood stream, it releases Insulin from the pancreas.
Insulin’s main role is to direct the flow of glucose into cells.
Insulin signals the cell to uptake glucose where the cell can then take glucose and convert it to useable energy.
What ends up happening when you eat too many of the wrong types of foods throughout the day?
Your body can store these foods as body fat!
This is because the other role of Insulin is to direct excess glucose to the liver, where the liver converts the excess glucose to Triglycerides.
These Triglycerides float around the blood stream and eventually get deposited as body fat in the body.
So you might be asking yourself, what foods cause a massive spike in Insulin levels?
The Answer: Carbohydrates!
Carbohydrates drive Insulin production.
In order for you to lose weight effectively and keep it off for life, you must control and regulate Insulin production.
And that means reducing and eliminating all types of carbohydrates from your daily nutritional intake.
You must reduce your carbohydrate intake to only 20 grams a day or less.
Unleashing Your Bodies Fat-Burning Hormone
Now it is time to unleash your fat-burning hormone!
Once you eliminate the Carbohydrates from your daily nutritional intake, you need to fuel your body with another type of food…
Dietary fats are the most single important type of food that you can be eating every single day when it comes to losing weight.
Here is the deal with eating fats: Fats have no effect on the release of Insulin.
This is because dietary fats are broken down by the gallbladder, which releases Bile and emulsifies the fatty acid molecules so the body can use these molecules for energy.
Once your nutritional intake of dietary fat is high enough and your body has reduced the secretion of Insulin, your body then works its magic!
It releases another hormone from the Alpha cells of the Pancreas.
This hormone is called Glucagon.
Glucagon is a catabolic signaling hormone that when released will travel to the liver and signal the liver to begin to break down your body fat stores to be used for energy at the cellular level.
This will only happen when carbohydrate intake is low enough and you are replacing those carbohydrates with enough dietary fats to meet your nutritional energy requirements.
So, the solution to losing weight is hormone regulation NOT caloric restriction.
Controlling Insulin and Glucagon production is the key to having a lean, toned physique without the need to go on a traditional “diet.”
In fact, if done right you can eat more of the right types of foods throughout the day, which will also help improve your energy levels, reduce cravings, and leave you feeling satisfied throughout the day. (No more hunger pains!)
Become a Biohacker and BioHack Your BodyFat Stores!
In order for you to truly experience the power of hormone regulation, it is imperative that you get professional health and nutritional coaching.
Listen, no one has actually taught you what foods to combine to supress Insulin and drive-up Glucagon levels.
This is why in order for you to lose the belly fat for life, you need to be on a nutritional protocol that will help your body control these two powerful hormones.
The Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System allows you to do just that. You will work directly with our Biohacking Coaches who will create scientifically backed meal plans that are designed for your unique biology.
These meal plans will have the foods that you love to eat, so each meal you will find tasty and satisfying. (Unlike diets, where you have to eat bland and boring foods or worse yet…drink meal replacement shakes for your meals)
These meal plans will also reduce the secretion of Insulin and help increase the production of glucagon — which is going to drive your body into a fat-burning state.
What this means is that you will be using your own body fat for energy 24/7.
Now is the time to truly experience what it feels like to become a lean mean fat-burning machine and biohack into your body fat stores.
You can achieve the body and health that you truly deserve by getting instant access to The Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System.
Just click the link below to speak with one of our Biohacking Coaches about how we can help you lose 40–60 lbs. of body fat in just 3 months without the need to go on a diet or restrict calories.
Let’s get your body Biohacked for 2021 and Beyond!
Trevor Folgering — Founder of Biohacked!