The ONLY Way Men Over 40 Should Be Losing Weight


Trevor Folgering — Biohacking Your Body Fat — Biohacked — weight loss

In today’s over-hyped up internet world, there is so many “theories” of how to lose weight…

But that’s just it…

They are just theories and nothing else!

It generally is someone’s opinion on what works when it comes to losing weight…

It is anecdotal evidence…

Meaning someone had some success with that theory and thought it could work for everyone.

Well, that is a bunch of boloney…

In order for you to lose weight properly, you need to follow a weight loss method that is backed by SCIENCE — not someone’s opinion on how to lose weight, or what you should eat to lose weight, but real hardcore science…

Because I talk to so many men over 40 that are confused about what to do when it comes to losing their belly fat…

They feel overwhelmed, confused, and frustrated with all the conflicting information out there.

So, I am wanting to lay it out to you straight and teach you the ONLY way to lose weight that is rooted in Scientific principals — and not someone else’s opinion.


Losing weight properly comes down to changing how your unique biology operates.

Within our body we have two distinct energy systems that our body can derive energy from.

These energy systems are.

1) The Glycolytic System

2) The Ketogenesis Pathway

The Glycolytic system is our “sugar burning system” and is used when Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose and used for energy by the cells.

Insulin shuttles glucose into the cells, where it is turned into useable energy. (Known as Adenosine triphosphate or ATP)

The other energy system Ketogenesis is activated when Insulin levels in the body remain low, and the body can break down body fat into something called acetyl-coenzyme A

acetyl-coenzyme A is then converted into Ketone bodies — which the cells can use for energy.

As you can see, the cells, tissues and organs in our body can derive energy from either the glucose in our bloodstream or the fatty acid molecules that are stored in our adipose sites.

Therefore, losing your belly fat is about switching metabolic pathways and getting the body to use its own body fat for energy.

The ONLY way you will do this is by regulating and controlling the hormones in your body.

There are 4 very specific hormones that control which energy system your body is operating from.

They are:

1) Insulin

2) Glucagon

3) Leptin

4) Ghrelin

For the sake of time, I want to focus in on how you can switch metabolic pathways and lose your belly fat easily by controlling Insulin.

Insulin is a hormone that is a double edge sword — it is essential for the Pancreas to secrete Insulin to help regulate glucose levels in the blood stream…


Too much Insulin secretion on a daily basis leads to the cells “shutting down” and not being receptive to the effects of Insulin.

This is called Insulin Resistance and when this happens — excess glucose gets diverted to the Liver where it gets converted to Triglycerides and stores in adipose sites!

So, in order for you to lose weight, you must LOWER INSULIN LEVELS!

That is the key to proper weight loss — Insulin control!

So how do you control Insulin?

You must get on a nutritional protocol where 77 percent of your caloric intake is Dietary fats, 20 percent is coming from protein and only 3 percent of your daily calories is coming from Carbohydrates.

This is going to help drive down Insulin and help switch your body into the Ketogenesis Pathway — where your body will break down its own body fat to be used for energy!

This is the SCIENCE of weight loss — which is what we call Biohacking!

If you are a man over 40 and are ready to Biohack your body fat, then let’s connect!

Enrollment in The Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System is now OPEN!

In this unique system, you can lose 40–60 lbs. of body fat without the need to go on a diet or exercise 6x/week!

The best part of this is the methodology that we use is all backed by Science, so there is no guessing if our system works.

You will experience an amazing body and health transformation as you become a biohacker for life!

To get started on your Biohacking Journey with us, all you need to do is click the link below and speak with one of our Biohacking Coaches on the phone!

We look forward to helping you finally create the body and health you truly desire — all backed by real science!

Trevor Folgering — Founder of Biohacked

P.s — Do you need one on one coaching from a Biohacking Coach? Send us a text and one of our Biohacking Coaches will reach out to you right away!

Trevor Folgering — Biohacking Your Body Fat



Biohack The Fat: Weight Loss for 40+ Men
Biohack The Fat: Weight Loss for 40+ Men

Written by Biohack The Fat: Weight Loss for 40+ Men

Helping Men Over 40 Lose Up To 40 lbs. Of Belly Fat In Just 3 Months Without Dieting or Going To The Gym 6x/Week!

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