The Best Weight Loss Tips For Men Over 40 In 2021

If you’ve been struggling to lose the belly fat and create the body you feel proud of, then I want you to pay close attention to what I am about to tell you.

Because it will change your life.

Losing belly fat has nothing to do with counting calories, going on a “diet or exercising until the cows come home.

I am sure you have tried all three of these outdated methods and you had little results to show for all your effort.

Within this blog post I am going to outline the Top 3 Weight Loss Tips that are helping men over 40 lose the belly fat and finally improve their self-confidence.

These Weight Loss Tips are NOT something that everyone else has already told you. So, make sure to write them down and follow them.

If after this article you need more help losing your belly fat contact one of our Biohacking coaches by text message and we will reach out to you right away.

Weight Loss Tip #1 — Reduce Insulin Secretion

Insulin is your bodies fat-storing hormone. It gets secreted by the pancreas every time you eat carbohydrates and proteins. Insulin’s role is to take glucose in your bloodstream and push it to the cells to be used for energy. It can also store glucose as glycogen in your muscles and liver, and the most dangerous part about Insulin is that any excess glucose that is not being used or stored will be diverted to the liver where it gets converted to Triglycerides and stored as body fat!

Now I KNOW your body is producing way too much Insulin. If you have a belly, its 100 percent guaranteed that your pancreas is pumping out way too much Insulin, which is the #1 reason why you have excess belly fat that you can’t get rid of.

So, you MUST reduce the amount of Insulin that your pancreas releases. How do you do this? Drive down Carbohydrate consumption to below 20 grams. Now that may be a huge shock for your body, especially if your used to eating 300 grams of carbohydrates or more a day. (This is typical on a Standard American Diet)

Which leads me to my next Weight Loss Tip…

Weight Loss Tip #2 — Drive Up Fat Consumption

Listen, despite decades of lies that dietary fats are bad and must be avoided, you MUST increase fat consumption. Dietary fats drive the fat-burning process. Fats have no effect on Insulin, which means your body does not need Insulin to break down Fats. Dietary fats that you eat gets broken down by Bile and Lipase, not Insulin. You must eat around 75–77 percent of your total caloric intake from dietary fats. For most men over 40 that means 150–200 plus grams of fats. What this does is help drive down Insulin secretion. As your body uses the excess glucose in your bloodstream it senses that glucose levels are low, so it releases another hormone called glucagon. Glucagon also gets released from the pancreas, but its effects are quite different….

Weight Loss Tip #3 — Improve Glucagon Secretion

Glucagon is your bodies #1 fat-burning hormones — and you should do everything in your power to drive glucagon secretion. Once you start eating less carbohydrates/proteins and increase fat consumption you will start to see the powerful effects of Glucagon at work. Glucagon’s main job is to keep glucose levels stable in the bloodstream, but the other role of glucagon is to signal the liver to release body fat for energy. The more Glucagon you have in your bloodstream the more body fat you can release. This will happen even if you’re eating higher amounts of calories. Because its not the amount of food that matters, it is the TYPE of foods that you eat that will determine how quickly you lose body fat.

This is how you are going to transform your body into a lean mean fat-burning machine.

1) Drive down Insulin.

2) Increase Fat Consumption

3) Improve Glucagon Secretion

Now you might be thinking… “OK this sounds wonderful, but how do I do this?”

That’s a great question!

In our Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System we focus on giving you 6–12 personalized meal plans that are designed for your unique biology.

These meal plans will drive down your Insulin levels and improve Glucagon secretion so you can lose the belly fat easily without needing to go on a crash diet or exercise in the gym 6x/week.

If you would like more information on our system, enrollment is now open.

Head over to our website and click the “Get Started Now” Button to book a time to speak with one of our Biohacking coaches today.

The Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System

Just imagine your body 30–60 pounds lighter! How would your life be different!

Start to use your Imagination and see your body changing right before your eyes.

Because when become Biohacked losing weight because easy, simple, and fun!

Let’s get your body Biohacked in 2021!

Head over to our Website or Message our Coaches for more information.

Trevor Folgering — Founder of Biohacked

Trevor Folgering — Founder of Biohacked



Biohack The Fat: Weight Loss for 40+ Men

Helping Men Over 40 Lose Up To 40 lbs. Of Belly Fat In Just 3 Months Without Dieting or Going To The Gym 6x/Week!