The 3-Step Process To Help You Lose Your Belly Fat (Without Dieting)
I have been getting so many questions recently about what diets are the best for losing weight.
So many men over the age of 40 have tried so many different diets…
Weight Watchers…
And the list goes on and on…
There is so much dieting advice and an overload of misinformation when it comes to losing weight.
Where do you start????
Here is your first start!
Because diets are not sustainable and leads to ultimate weight gain after the diet has ended.
The biggest thing that you must focus on if you want to lose the belly fat and get healthy for life, is never to “diet” — because diets cause a systematic slowdown of the chemical reactions in the body.
And then once the diet ends, you eat the normal amount of food (usually foods that are higher in calories and sugars) and what ends up happening is you have a slower fuel system, and these foods get stored as body fat that much easier…
Hence the saying “I can eat like a bird and still gain weight!”
The reason for this is because over decades of dieting, you have slowed the chemical reactions in your body down to a crawl, and your fat storing hormones are elevated!
This means that a high percentage of the foods you eat will be converted to Triglycerides and stored as body fat, even if it is a small amount of food!
To actually reverse this trend, you need to eat MORE of the right types of foods at the right times during the day.
By eating the right combinations of foods, you are teaching the body to lower its fat storing hormones and increase the chemical reactions that are happening on a daily basis.
This includes driving up the fat-burning hormone called Glucagon.
So, to achieve the body and health that you desire, you need to do the following:
1) Eat foods that do not have an effect on the release of Insulin. Since Insulin is our fat-storing hormones, we want to consume a nutritional protocol that does not allow the pancreas to release Insulin. (AKA — Dietary Fats)
2) Meal Timing is critical when you first begin — as you want to teach your body to use dietary fats for energy. This sets off a chain reaction to help supress Insulin but drive up another hormone called Glucagon. This signaling hormone “talks” to the liver and tells the liver to begin the breakdown of body fat to be used for energy. (Called Lipolysis)
3) Increase calorie consumption so that you reduce Ghrelin, which is our hunger hormone. When you restrict calories, Ghrelin levels go up, telling the brain to start looking for food. When you “diet” — Ghrelin levels elevate, causing you to crave foods, and eventually breakdown and “cheat” on your diet.
This really is a 3-step process to follow instead of actually going on a “diet” — because diets do the complete opposite of the above.
They drive down the chemical reactions in your body, keep fat storing hormones high, and drive up your hunger hormones so you get cravings and hunger pains throughout the day and into the night.
Now the question is — If Diets do no work…. What does?
And THAT’S a great question!
The nutritional protocol that you choose MUST be tailored to your unique biology. This is where other diets fail as well.
Since your body is unique, you need a personalized, tailored meal plan that fits with the foods you enjoy eating.
Within our BioHack The Fat Body Transformation System you get 6–12 well-formulated, scientifically back meal plans that are tailored to your food tastes.
These meal plans will drive down Insulin levels, increase your fat burning hormone Glucagon and eliminate any cravings or urges to eat unhealthy foods.
The best thing is that these meal plans are sustainable for life!
No more diets…
No more yo-yo dieting!
You will lose the weight for life and keep it off!
I want to invite you to check out The BioHack The Fat Body Transformation System.
Our system is designed for men over 40 who are tired of having a gut and need help!
This 12-week system is designed to help you lose 30–60 lbs. of body fat stores in just three months without the need to diet or go to the gym 6x/week.
You can check it out here:
Now is the time to experience what it feels like to become biohacked for life!
You can do this, and you don’t need to “diet” to get the body and health that you truly desire!
If you have questions about the BioHack the Fat Body Transformation System, click the link below to connect with one of our BioHacking Coaches!
We look forward to hearing from you!
Your BioHacking Coach and Founder of Biohacked
Trevor Folgering