The #1 Reason Men Over 40 Can’t Seem to Lose The Belly Fat!
Do you remember when you were in your 20’s how easy it was to stay slim? You could eat anything and never gain weight.
You stayed out late, partied and could eat late at night and never put on an ounce of body fat.
But those days are long gone, and as you went into your 40’s gaining weight seemed like a common phenomenon.
Suddenly you wake up, look in the mirror and what do you see?
A large beer belly staring back at you!
“How did that get there?” you ask yourself…
You feel frustrated that suddenly you are plagued with a body you hate and an eroding self-confidence that hampers your ability to be the man you want to become.
The truth is that you just didn’t wake up with a beer belly…
But it sure felt like it…
Now you walk by a Pizza and you gain 10 lbs!
You can’t seem to eat the things you ate in your 20’s and 30’s.
And to top it all off, your energy levels are in the toilet, you’re not feeling well throughout the day and you having trouble concentrating at work.
What the hell is going on?
Does this sound familiar?
If it does, you’re not alone.
So many men over 40 are going through this scenario day in and day out.
But it shouldn’t be like this at all.
In fact, after 40 you should be reaping the rewards of a healthy and fit body.
If you’re not at that point, then we have some work to do.
So how do you lose the body fat easily without resorting to dieting?
Well, here is the deal…
You are a sugar burning machine. This means that every single cell in your body is using GLUCOSE for energy.
This is the #1 reason you can’t lose your belly fat, and it is also holding you back from creating the body and health you deserve!
That’s NOT GOOD!
In fact, if your body is too reliant on glucose (Sugar) to fuel cells, then you CANNOT and WILL NOT be able to tap into your own body fat for energy.
It just won’t happen.
In fact, if you are a sugar burner it is WAY EASIER for your body to store the food you eat as body fat.
This is why you “walk by a pizza and gain 10 lbs.”
This is why you try to restrict calories, but still gain weight.
Because your body is so reliant on glucose and there is so much floating around in your blood stream that your body can take that glucose, convert it to Triglycerides (Fat) and dump that fat into your fat stores.
And for men over 40, the majority of your fat stores are in your belly!
In order for you to truly lose the belly fat once and for all you have to SWITCH fuel sources.
You have to get your body to not rely on glucose to fuel cells, but to get your body to rely on your own body fat to drive all cellular reactions.
“Well, that’s easy to say Trevor, but how the hell do I do that!”
I know what your thinking!
It’s done through food and food alone.
Combining the right types of foods together and timing those foods correctly throughout the day drives the body into a fat burning state.
This is THE ONLY way to truly lose the beer belly for life.
Because restricting calories keeps the body from switching into a fat burning mode.
In our Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System your Biohacking Coach is going to crate scientifically backed meal plans that help drive your body into a strong fat burning state.
Your body will stop relying on glucose to drive all chemical reactions and switch to using your own body fat for energy.
This is what we call Biohacking!
Biohacking your fat is truly the easiest way that you can lose your belly fat.
And now you can become a Biohacker and lose 30–60 lbs. of body fat in just 3 months!
Enrollment for our Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System us now open.
If you are a man over 40 and are just tired of carrying around your belly fat and want to get rid of it for life, then book a call with on of our Biohacking Coaches by clicking the link below:
One of our Biohacking Coaches will get you started in our system right away, so you can finally create the body and health that you desire and deserve!
Let’s get your body Biohacked in only 3 months using the science of Biohacking!
Lose 40–60 lbs. of body fat WITHOUT the need to go on a diet or exercise 6x/week!
We are looking forward to welcoming you into our system!
Trevor Folgering — Founder of Biohacked