Attention Men Over 40: 3 Steps to Lose Your Belly Fat For Life!


Trevor Folgering — 3 steps to lose your belly fat

Watch the video to learn the 3 simple steps you need to implement into your life to lose that belly fat!


Hey, what’s going on? It’s Trevor Folgering, your biohacking coach, founder of Biohacked. Today on this video, I’m going to be speaking to you on how to actually lose your belly fat in three simple steps. Yes, because weight loss is not complicated. It is not a mystery. The problem is that you’ve never been taught how to properly lose your belly fat, so I’m going to teach you in this video three really quick steps that you can implement into your life right now so that you can lose body fat very easily.

Just a bit of a backstory on myself, because you may not know who I am, and you’d be like, “Who is this guy talking about weight loss? Like, what kind of experience does he have? What kind of education does he have?” Very great questions, I’m going to answer that in a second, but I’ve been involved in the weight loss and personal fitness training and nutritional industry since 1998. It’s been over 20 years now. And I’ve helped thousands of men over 40 lose their belly fat and feel better. That’s my mission in life, is to help you understand how to lose body fat the right way.

This was me back in 2015, where I was actually pretty heavy and pretty chunky. I had stopped training. I had stopped eating correctly and I gained a whole bunch of weight, and I didn’t feel good about myself. What I ended up doing was actually these three really specific principles that I’m going to talk about, and I lost a lot of weight. I actually lost over 40 pounds and became probably, super, super lean. And this was probably the best shape of my life that I’ve been right here, and I actually maintained this weight. I’ve never gained the weight since, I’ve maintained it, and I actually have the capacity to just be at my very best every single day, because I put into play these three principles that I’m going to be talking to you about today. All right, let’s jump into it, guys, because I know that you’re wanting the good stuff.

First off, principle number one is to really increase fat intake. Guys, here’s the deal. Everyone thinks that fat is bad for you, but it’s not. It’s not bad at all. In fact, if you want to actually lose weight faster, you need to increase your fat intake to at least 77 to 80% of your daily caloric intake. Now, that’s completely opposite as to what a lot of dieticians say, or doctors say, saying, “You should only be having 10% of your total caloric intake from fat.” Well, in order for you to actually lose body fat, we need to control the hormones in our body. And the only way you can actually do that is by regulating your fat intake. You actually have to be increasing the amount of fats you eat throughout the day and lowering the amount of carbs, because fats have no effect on our fat-storing hormone, insulin.

Insulin is essentially our fat-storing hormone. And when we eat carbohydrates, specifically, processed and refined carbohydrates, that insulin goes through the roof, and you’re more apt to store that food as body fat. We have to do the opposite. We have to eat way more fats and drive down our insulin levels. This will actually help so much. That’s step number one. That’s the first thing that you should be doing if you’re trying to lose body fat, is having more fats, like olive oil, avocados, salmon, nuts, seeds, all these types of things. You should be having butter every day, high-fat whipping cream. These fats are very, very beneficial for the body for numerous different reasons, which I’m not going to get into in this video, but it is very, very scientifically proven that fats help the body. There is lots of research out there. If you actually dig a little bit into the World Wide Web, you can actually find a lot of great information about fats and why they’re so helpful and healthy for the body.

The second thing we want to look at is meal timing. This is super, super critical, because if we want to lose body fat correctly, you want to time your meals properly throughout the day. And we want to do a four by four system, so you want to be eating four meals a day, spaced four hours apart. What does that mean? That could be meaning 7:00 AM is your first meal, 11:00 AM is your next meal, 3:00 PM is the next meal, and 7:00 PM is your last meal. Why do we want to do this? Well, first off, we want to control our hunger hormones. When you go on a diet, what ends up happening? You’d skip breakfast, and you skip dinner, and then suddenly at suppertime, you’re like, “Holy shit, I’m hungrier than a horse, and I can gnaw off my arm. That’s how hungry I am.”

Well, and this is the biggest thing about diets. Diets don’t control your appetite hormones. And essentially, dieting allows the appetite hormones to run rampant into your body, and essentially tell the brain to start looking for food, and that food usually isn’t that great. Usually, late at night, you’re going to be eating a large dinner, and then suddenly you’re still hungry, and you’re snacking on chips and pretzels and cookies, and you’re wondering, “What the hell? How did I break my diet? I was only on this for three days, but I’m starving.” Well, that’s the reason why, is because you didn’t time your meals properly throughout the day. You want to time your meals properly throughout the day. That could be 6:00, 10:00, 2:00, and 6:00. So, eating at six in the morning, 10 in the morning, 2:00 PM, 6:00 PM. Or it could be like, 8:00, 12:00, 4:00, and 8:00. It could be 8:00 PM, 12:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 8:00 PM. Again, it’s a combination of meal timing, plus driving up your fat, step one and step two.

Step three is, keep carbs below 20 grams of total caloric intake. The reason for this is because carbs can drive up glucose levels. When glucose levels are high, your body cannot tap into its own body fat stores. Glucose essentially is one of those sugars in our body that stops our body from diving in and using our own body fat for energy, so we have to keep carbs low. The other thing about carbs is it drives insulin. Insulin, again, like I said, is our fat-storing hormone, and it actually will stop our body from using our own body fat stores. You got to make sure, on step number three, to keep carbs low. That means, no rice, no potatoes, no breads. But your like, “Trevor, I love those things. Like, what else do I have to eat?” “Ah, there’s a lot.” That’s the key. Now, go back to step number one, fats. Fats are what you eat. Fats are what was replacing carbs. That’s the whole idea here. We want to replace the carbs with fats, and you want to become fat-adapted, meaning you’re using dietary fats and your own body fat for energy.

What this is going to do, this is going to equal… If you do these steps, one, two, three, keep fats high, you time your meals, four by four, then you drive down your carbs, this is going to help drive the fat-burning hormone, glucagon from your pancreas. Glucagon, essentially, goes to the liver and says, “Hey, make me some body fat. I need some body fat for my cells.” That’s what glucagon does, essentially in our body. But we could only have glucagon available if insulin levels are low. And how do we make insulin levels low? Let’s go back to step number one, fats. We want to increase fats, and we want to decrease carbs. That’s the secret guys. That’s the secret of losing body fat. In this three-step process, if you do all these three steps, you’re going to lose body fat like crazy.

Now, here’s the thing, you do need somebody to do this with you and for you because you haven’t been taught how to properly do this. You need somebody to hold you by the hand and be like, “Okay, here we go, Tim.” “Here we go, David.” “Here we go, John.” We’re going to take you, and we’re going to build this actual meal plan for you so that you can get the results. And you don’t have to worry about, “Oh, like what kind of fats do I have to eat, or what? And what combinations are these foods in?” We do that for you. In our Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System, we put together six to 12 scientifically-developed meal plans so that you can lose body fat super easy, super quickly. And we integrate all these three steps into the meal plan.

Your meal plans are about 77% fats. 77% of your daily caloric intake on each meal plan that we give you will be fats. We’re going to time your meals properly by four by four, and give you a very specific meal timing frequency, so you can follow that. And as you go through the system, we’re going to change your meal timing so that it makes sense and that you can lose body fat faster. As you get more fat-adapted, we’re going to change your meal timings. That is the other secret. It doesn’t stay at four by four, it changes. It changes meal… Mealtimes will always change throughout our program. We always keep carbs below 20%… Or 20 grams, sorry, and we drive the glucagon levels up so that you lose body fat easily. That is the Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System.

We give you specific-tailored meal plans for you so that you can lose body fat. And typically, all of our guys lose anywhere between 30 to 60 pounds of pure body fat within the first three months. It’s amazing. We have some amazing transformations. It’s crazy to see the before and after photos, and it’s done without exercise. It’s done without dieting. That’s the beautiful thing about our system. If you’re interested, just click the button or click the link below. There’s a link you can click that you can actually register and get started in our Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System. You can actually speak with one of our biohacking coaches on the phone, and they’ll get you started right away.

If you’re looking to lose your belly fat in 2021 and beyond, biohacking is the secret. This is where we change your internal biology so that you become a lean, mean, biohacking, fat-burning machine. So you’re losing body fat all the time, and you can stay in a very lean condition. If you want to see your six pack, this is the way to do it. If you want to stay super lean and healthy, and you want to increase the longevity of your life, this is the way to do it. Biohacking is the way to do it. This is not dieting. This is biohacking. This is a completely different way of losing body fat.

My name is Trevor, your biohacking coach, and founder of Biohacked. If it’s time for you to lose that belly fat without dieting or exercising, click the link below, and let’s chat. Let’s talk on the phone, and let’s get you started in the Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System. You have a fit and blessed day. Keep biohacking your body fat stores, and we’ll see you soon. Bye for now.

Trevor Folgering — Biohacking Your BodyFat



Biohack The Fat: Weight Loss for 40+ Men
Biohack The Fat: Weight Loss for 40+ Men

Written by Biohack The Fat: Weight Loss for 40+ Men

Helping Men Over 40 Lose Up To 40 lbs. Of Belly Fat In Just 3 Months Without Dieting or Going To The Gym 6x/Week!

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