Regulating Your Hormones to Lose Your Belly Fat!
Attention Men Over 40: Lose your belly fat by controlling this one powerful hormone in your body.
This hormone is known as Insulin, and it is one of the most powerful and misunderstood hormones in the human body.
Insulin is a anabolic hormone that signals the cells in the body to uptake glucose, which is one of the main “fuel sources” that cells use to create energy.
Unfortunately, Insulin is also responsible for sending excess glucose to the liver, where it is converted to Triglycerides and stored as fatty acids in adipose tissue. (Body fat)
Eating a diet that is higher in Carbohydrates (No matter what kind) keeps Insulin levels elevated, and over time the cells in the body become “resistant” to the effects of Insulin.
This is called Insulin Resistance, and comes with a host of health complications, including Heart disease, Cancer, Fatty Liver, Stroke, Migraines, PCOS, Stroke and Diabetes just to name a few.
In order for you to reduce and eliminate these diseases and get rid of your belly fat — you MUST control and regulate Insulin secretion coming from the Pancreas.
But how do you do this?
By changing the TYPES of foods that you are eating throughout the day.
Carbohydrates increase glucose levels in the body, which drives Insulin secretion.
Keeping your carbohydrate levels low throughout the day, automatically helps lower Insulin levels, as glucose levels begin to drop in the blood stream.
Once the body senses a drop in Insulin, the Pancreas then releases another hormone, called Glucagon into the bloodstream.
The main role of Glucagon is to keep glucose levels in the bloodstream stable — by producing new glucose from glycerol (The backbone of the Triglyceride molecule)
The other main role is to tell the liver to produce “Ketones” from your own body fat stores!
Glucagon is the bodies #1 fat burning hormones, which tells the body to begin the process of uncoupling free fatty acids from your body fat stores and converting that to a useable energy called a Ketone molecule.
The amazing thing is that these Ketone molecules provide the body with 35 percent more cellular energy then glucose! Which means your body prefers Ketones over Glucose!
Ketones are also anti-inflammatory and help reduce the symptoms of diseases in the body!
This is what I call Biohacking Your Hormones! This is the ONLY way to truly lose the belly fat if you’re a man over 40!
No amount of dieting or exercise will help regulate your hormones so you can become a lean-mean fat burning machine!
It is time to experience how to lose the body fat by regulating these two hormones in your body.
You can lose 40–60 lbs. of body fat in just 3 months when you become a Biohacker!
Enrollment is open in Th Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System!
If your ready to lose the body fat without the need to diet, then click the link below and let’s get your body biohacked for 2021 and beyond!
Just imagine your body 40–60 lbs. lighter and FEELING like your 20 years old again! That is the power of Biohacking your hormones!
Say goodbye to your gut in The Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System!
Looking forward to coaching and supporting you inside the program!
Your Biohacking Coach,
Trevor Folgering