If Your Over 40, Should You be Eating Only One Meal a Day To Lose Weight?


Trevor Folgering — OMAD, Eating only one meal a day to lose weight — Biohacked

Recently I was on a phone call with a man that was over 40 and he mentioned that his friend said he should be doing OMAD to lose weight.

Now I know what your’re thinking, what the heck is OMAD?

OMAD stands for One Meal A Day.

It is just yet another weight loss craze that has individuals thinking that there is a “short-cut” to losing weight.

More on this later, but now back to the phone conversation…

This individual who I was speaking with on the phone was super excited about the thought of only having to eat once a day to lose weight.

He was so excited that he began almost salivating to this particular idea. (Excuse the Pun.)

After speaking with him about the proper ways to lose weight, I decided to write about the reasons why you SHOULD NOT start with this type of nutritional protocol and what you should do instead.

The Energy System Conundrum

One of the main reasons that you should not start with a OMAD nutritional protocol, is that you will experience side effects like hunger, cravings, dips in energy, mood swings and an inability to concentrate throughout the day.

The reason for this is because your body has two distinct energy systems it uses to fuel cells.

1) The Glycolytic Metabolic Pathway

2) The Ketogenesis Metabolic Pathway

For 99.9 percent of your life, you have been living in the Glycolytic Metabolic Pathway, which is the pathway that uses Carbohydrates as fuel. (Otherwise known as glucose which is the simplest form of energy that can be used within the human body.)

Your body loves to gobble up glucose. It’s a very easy energy source for the body to use to fuel cells.

If you can imagine hundreds of thousands of Pac-mans in your bloodstream running around and eating up glucose pellets, and then spitting them into the cells of the body, this is exactly how the body utilizes glucose.

Now the problem when you suddenly shift to OMAD, your body is used to getting all of this glucose throughout the day and then suddenly NOTHING!

What do you think is going to happen?

Your body is going to get super responsive and start sending you signals to start eating, and fast!

This is because you suddenly slammed the brakes on the Glycolytic Metabolic Pathway and are trying to FORCE your body to switch to the fat-burning Metabolic Pathway…

And this is a recipe for disaster, because forcing your body to do something never works out in your favor.

Your body will send you out signals to increase your appetite, which can lead to cravings, overeating and binging.

The other downfall is that the OMAD method is counterproductive to stabilizing and regulating your hunger hormones, which have a big impact on when and how much you eat at one sitting.

Hunger Hormones Rule Your Body

In the end, your willpower is finite. No matter how much willpower you have, you will never be able to outdo your hunger hormones.

There are two hormones that regulate hunger:

1) Ghrelin

2) Leptin

Ghrelin is your “hunger hormone” and signals the brain to look for food. Leptin is a hormone that helps to regulate energy balance by inhibiting hunger.

I bet you see where this is going right?

So, if you decide to suddenly switch to OMAD, then what happens?

Your Ghrelin levels dramatically increase, giving you the sense that your hungry all the time and need to look for food!

In essence, your body will increase Ghrelin and this hormone will travel to the brain.

The brain will then know there is a fuel shortage and will send you signals to start to eat.

On the flipside Leptin levels will dramatically be reduced.

The lower levels can trigger huge increases in appetite and food cravings. This, in turn, can make weight loss more difficult.

So, do you see that eating one meal a day can be super detrimental to your overall weight loss goals?

Now, there is an easier and safer way to actually lose weight!

Instead of eating one meal a day, you need to work with your body’s unique biology instead of against.

By giving the body the right combinations of meals at the right timing throughout out the day, you will turn your body into a lean-mean fat burning machine!

Let’s look at what to do instead that will yield you amazing weight loss results!

The Solution to All of Your Weight Loss and Health Struggles (Biohacking Your BodyFat)

In the Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System we focus in on getting your body into a fat-burning state WITHOUT dieting, starving the body or excessive exercise.

We have 3 distinct phases that will help your body switch metabolic pathways and get you using your own body fat for energy 24/7!

We call this Biohacking, and we do this WITHOUT eating one meal a day.

In fact, you will start out doing the exact opposite.

You will be eating 4 meals a day, spaced 4 hours apart.

By consuming the right combinations of foods every 4 hours, you will do two things:

1) Reduce your hunger hormone and regulate your appetite so you never feel hungry or get cravings.

2) Gently get the body to switch metabolic pathways into Ketogenesis.

This is one of the most effective methods that will help you lose the body fat without the need to go on a diet or eat one meal a day!

The meals need to be very personalized for your body, so before you begin eating 4 meals a day, it is best to reach out to our Biohacking coaches so they can create meal plans that are designed for your unique biology.

Our clients experience amazing weight loss results without the need to diet or restrict calories.

In fact, the average weight loss for our biohackers is 3.3 lbs per week — which is almost 40 lbs. in 3 Month!

Experience what it’s like to Become Biohacked today!

Right now, you can enrol in the Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System!

If you have excess belly fat that you just cannot seem to lose, we want to speak with you!

Get started today by visiting our website and speaking with one of our Biohacking coaches:

Let’s help you lose the belly fat without having to resort to OMAD!

You will feel so much better, and the weight loss results will be phenomenal!

Let’s get your body Biohacked!

Trevor Folgering — Founder of Biohacked!

Trevor Folgering — Biohacking Your BodyFat — Biohacked



Biohack The Fat: Weight Loss for 40+ Men
Biohack The Fat: Weight Loss for 40+ Men

Written by Biohack The Fat: Weight Loss for 40+ Men

Helping Men Over 40 Lose Up To 40 lbs. Of Belly Fat In Just 3 Months Without Dieting or Going To The Gym 6x/Week!

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