How to Use Food To Help You Lose The Weight For Life!


Trevor Folgering — Biohacked — Biohacking You BodyFat

When it comes to losing body fat, you must be able to eat the right combinations of foods at the right times during the day to help drive your body to use your body fat for energy.

Since the 1950’s we have been told to do the exact opposite…

Society has been taught to eat a sugary “breakfast.”

A carbohydrate filled “lunch.”

And a huge “dinner” of steak and mashed potatoes.

This way of eating has been keeping us all F-A-T.

Not only that, but this S.A.D. way of eating has spawned a large number of diseases and illnesses in our society

S.A.D = Standard American Diet

It is 2021 and so many of us are still eating like it’s the 1950’s and wondering why are bodies are breaking down and getting fatter.

If you’re a man over 40, then it’s time to change your eating habits to improve the health and the appearance of your body.

The only way you can do this is by dramatically changing your D.N.P (Your Daily Nutritional Protocol)

The foods you eat are SO POWERFUL!

In fact, they are more powerful than any medication or drug that you can take to “fix” an illness you have.

The problem is that so many of us have been taught the wrong advice on how to properly fuel our bodies.

And to make matters worse…

The advent of the internet in 1995 has caused a upheaval of misinformation and half truths to be uploaded to the world wide web…

Leaving so many of you confused about what to eat, when to eat and how to properly take care of the human body.

After 40 it is critical to fuel the body the correct way so that you can live well past 100 years of age. (And that is possible for everyone, especially if you eat the right foods at the right times throughout the day.

So what I would like to do, it to outline the 3 critical steps that you need to do in order for you to lose the excess belly fat and dramatically improve you health over the next 3 months.

STEP 1 — Drastically Reduce Glucose In The Bloodstream

Excess amounts of glucose in the bloodstream KILLS! Glucose is the end results when your body breaks down foods that contain Carbohydrates.

The problem is that our bodies do not need a lot of glucose in the blood stream to survive.

However, as a society we have been trained to eat an excessive amount of Carbohydrates. So much in fact that our bodies become SICK due to the amount of excess glucose that is in the bloodstream.

What does this mean in regard to food intake?

It means to drastically lower your Carbohydrate consumption to less then 5 percent of your total daily calorie intake. (Usually, 20 grams of Carbohydrates a day of less)

STEP 2 — Replace Carbohydrates with Dietary Fats

Here is the biggest myth when it comes to nutrition “Fat is bad for you.” It is actually the complete opposite — Dietary fats can HEAL the body and reduce your waistline. The problem is that there is so much misinformation swirling around the internet still saying that “saturated fats are bad” and not to have foods that contain high levels of Cholesterol. Phooey!

Eating the right amount of Dietary Fats, along with lowering your carbohydrate intake will help improve your energy levels, make you feel better, and increase the bodies ability to use your own body fat for energy.

STEP 3 — Proper Meal Timing and Meal Frequency Patterns

The #1 thing that is overlooked is WHEN to eat. The “3 square meals a day” eating pattern is outdated and antiquated. In fact, eating this way is making society fatter.

In order for you to lose the body fat properly and become healthier, you must space your meals out evenly throughout the day. This will help regulate your appetite correctly. You will reduce cravings and the constant need to snack throughout the day.

By timing your meals correctly throughout the day, you are regulating your appetite hormones to work with your unique biology. (Instead of against it, like the typical breakfast, lunch and dinner does)

So, to truly lose the body fat and become impressively healthier after 40, you must become a Biohacker!

In our BioHack The Fat Body Transformation System we put together the correct meals for your unique biology, so your body can easily tap into its own body fat for energy!

So do you want to lose the body fat and get healthier without needing to diet?

Enrollment is now open! Visit this link below to get started!

Our Biohackers are losing 40–60 lbs. of body fat within a 3-month period without the need to diet or go to the gym 6x/week!

It is time to get your body Biohacked!

Click the link above and get instant access to our BioHack The Fat Body Transformation System!

Your BioHacking Coach,

Trevor Folgering

Trevor Folgering — Biohacking Your BodyFat



Biohack The Fat: Weight Loss for 40+ Men
Biohack The Fat: Weight Loss for 40+ Men

Written by Biohack The Fat: Weight Loss for 40+ Men

Helping Men Over 40 Lose Up To 40 lbs. Of Belly Fat In Just 3 Months Without Dieting or Going To The Gym 6x/Week!

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