How to CRUSH Your Weight Loss Goals for 2021 If Your a Man Over 40!


Trevor folgering — Biohacking your body fat — Biohacked — weight loss

If 2021 has been a year where you have gained weight and increased the size of your beer belly, you are not alone.

Stats show that 35.82% of the population Gained weight during the pandemic.

In this short blog post, I want to show you how you can reverse this trend and get rid of the flab that you gained during the Co-Vid 19 Pandemic.

Working with Your Unique Biology

The fact is that your body and what is happening within your biology is unique and that being said, you cannot “diet” the fat off.

Diets do not consider your unique biology and how your biology reacts to food.

The foods that you eat are very powerful and certain foods can tell the body to store the food you eat as fat OR other foods you eat can tell the body to release body fat for energy.

Which types of foods have you eaten lately???

The first thing to realize is depending on how much inflammation your body has developed over time and what type of diseases may be present within your body will determine what foods you need to be consuming n a daily basis.

If you are suffering from Type 2 Diabetes for example, we need to control Insulin secretion, which means your nutritional intake will be higher in Dietary fats, as the breakdown of dietary fats requires no Insulin secretion.

This is why traditional “diets” do not work — because they do not consider the internal diseases or issues that are currently present within your body!

This is so critical when it comes to crushing your weight loss goals for 2021 and beyond.

The important thing to realize is that for every meal you eat you are influencing very powerful hormones in your body — these hormones are the catalysts for storing or releasing your body fat.

Hormones can “talk” to the body to enhance energy production, so you can liver healthier, be happier and achieve the body and health you want.

They can also drive your body to store excess glucose as body fat and make you feel miserable, driving up your appetite and cravings…

If you do suffer from an overactive appetite and out of control cravings, then you MUST control your appetite hormones which are:

1) Ghrelin

2) Leptin

These two hormones work in tandem to control and regulate your appetite.

If you eat the wrong foods throughout the day or eat the wrong combinations of foods, your Ghrelin will spike, driving your body to eat more!

Leptin causes us to feel satisfied after a meal — but only if we are eating the correct meal combinations — and hence if you do not eat the right meals at the right times throughout the day, then it becomes very difficult to control your appetite and your craving will go through the roof!

Within the BioHack The Fat Body Transformation System, we put together scientifically backed meal plans that help regulate your appetite and cravings and put your body into a strong fat-burning state!

Now is the time to experience the joy of being a Biohacker for Life!

Enrollment in Our Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System is now open!

You can lose 30–60 lbs. of body fat without ever needing to go on a diet or exercise 6x/week! You can get started in our system by clicking the link below:

Watch the video and read our client success stories. Once you are ready, click the “Get Started” button and book a Biohacking Breakthrough call with one of our Biohacking Coaches!

It is times to CRUSH your weight loss goals for 2021 and beyond!

Let’s get you Biohacking Your Body Fat!

Your Biohacking Coach and Founder of Biohacked — Trevor Folgering



Biohack The Fat: Weight Loss for 40+ Men
Biohack The Fat: Weight Loss for 40+ Men

Written by Biohack The Fat: Weight Loss for 40+ Men

Helping Men Over 40 Lose Up To 40 lbs. Of Belly Fat In Just 3 Months Without Dieting or Going To The Gym 6x/Week!

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