Does Taking a Supplement For Weight Loss Help You Lose Weight?
Over the past few weeks, my inbox has been bombarded with emails promoting special weight-loss teas, pills, powders, and potions.
I thought I would address this here, as I am sure you have questions about this as well.
Let’s first clear the air here…
Supplements are just that… supplements.
There are no miracle weight loss pills, nor will there ever be.
If you have the right nutritional protocols that you are following daily, then supplements can help fill that last 5 percent that food may not be able to address.
But that’s it.
You should never take a supplement to replace the powerful effects of food.
If you ever see an advertisement that says, “Take this powder, pill or potion to release all of your fat from your body” then turn the opposite way and run.
Because these claims are unfounded and very exaggerated.
The only true way to fully release stubborn body fat is by following meal protocols that drive the body into your natural fat-burning metabolism.
No pills, potions, or drugs will ever outmatch or outdo the powerful effects that food has on your body.
There is no silver bullet that will solve all your weight and health issues.
It takes getting on the right meal plan that is designed for your body and then being very consistent in following that plan.
That’s it, there are no other shortcuts.
If you have been trying to lose weight by taking supplements, please connect with me via text message.
You can also visit my website to learn more about how to lose your belly fat without using any types of weight loss supplements:
I can show you the right formula you need to follow to help you strip away layers of body fat without taking any supplements.
You can do this without the supplements,
Your Biohacking coach,