Cholesterol — Is it REALLY Bad For You?


Trevor Folgering — Biohacking Your Body Fat

I have been getting so many questions from men over 40 about Cholesterol and Dietary Fats.

So many men over 40 have been given the wrong advice when it comes to Cholesterol — they have been told to reduce and eliminate all foods that contain Cholesterol and to go on a low-fat diet…

But that advice is totally wrong and misguided.

Cholesterol is NOT harmful for the body!

In fact, your body MAKES 3000 mg of Cholesterol a day! It is a natural organic molecule that is produced in the body.

All of our cells are made of Cholesterol — even our brains!

Cholesterol is really a healing agent that helps heal the arterial walls of inflammation and damage.

So why are we villainizing Cholesterol and making it out to be the bad guy?

Mainly because of an American physiologist who studied the influence of diet on health. He theorized that a diet high in saturated fats causes heart diseases, strokes and high Cholesterol levels — He conducted a major FLAWED study called the 7-country study, cherry picked his results, and sold those results to the US government back in the 1950’s.

His study was flawed from the beginning and for over 65 years we as a society have been following this ill-conceived advice.

You can learn more about Ansel Keys and the flawed study here:

Dietary Fats do not cause a build up of Cholesterol in your body — so what does?

The overconsumption of Carbohydrates!

Carbohydrates break down into glucose in the body — the body can use glucose for immediate energy, and a hormone known as Insulin helps drive the glucose in the cells.

The problem is when we eat a diet that is higher in carbohydrates and our bodies become overloaded with glucose.

The cells within our bodies can become “resistant” to the effects of Insulin.

When this happens, Insulin drives the excess glucose to the liver — where it is converted to Triglycerides.

Some of the Triglycerides get deposited as fat in the liver and over time your body can develop Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.

However, most of the Triglycerides float around in the arterial walls and cause major damage and inflammation.

When this happens, Cholesterol comes in and begins to do its job!

The job Of Cholesterol is to heal the arterial walls from the inflammatory damage that is caused by the Triglycerides.

So, the main culprit of high Cholesterol levels is TRYGLYCERIDES NOT DIETARY FAT.

Cholesterol is much like a band-aid that you put over your skin to help the healing process after you have cut yourself.

The problem becomes when your are doctor tells you that your cholesterol are high, and gives you a statin to “fix the high cholesterol levels.”

This is not going to help you at all!

Because you NEED that cholesterol to help heal the arterial walls — you are essentially eliminating your bodies ability to heal itself…

And the lowering of Cholesterol by the statins brings about some nasty side effects…brain fog, weak muscles, joint pain, headaches, dizziness, feeling sick, sleep problems and digestive issues just too name a few.

I want you to understand that Cholesterol is NEVER the enemy within us — it is actually doing exactly what it needs to do, which is heal the body from the inflammatory damage brought about by high levels of Triglycerides!

Now I offer a way where you can actually reverse the damage done by high levels of Triglycerides.

It’s called The Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System. Within this 12-week program, you will lose body fat AND get your body healthy on the inside.

You will reduce the inflammation within the body, which will help Cholesterol return to normal levels. (Noticed I said normal NOT low!)

If you’re interested in learning more please check out the website below and schedule a discovery call with myself or one of my biohacking coaches.

On this call we will go over the exact roadmap to help you get healthy on the inside and reduce your belly fat by 30–40 lbs. in just 3 months!

I look forward to seeing you Biohack into your body fat stores and become the healthiest version of yourself when you join our Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System!

Your Biohacking Coach — Trevor Folgering

P.s — Do you want to know more about Cholesterol and how to get your numbers back to normal levels? Reach out to me through a text message and let’s chat about how you can do that!

Trevor Folgering — BioHacking Your BodyFat



Biohack The Fat: Weight Loss for 40+ Men
Biohack The Fat: Weight Loss for 40+ Men

Written by Biohack The Fat: Weight Loss for 40+ Men

Helping Men Over 40 Lose Up To 40 lbs. Of Belly Fat In Just 3 Months Without Dieting or Going To The Gym 6x/Week!

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