ATTENTION MEN OVER 40: Switch On Your Fat-Burning System With the Science of Biohacking!
So, you have been battling the beer belly for most of your life…
You have tried diet after diet without any long-term sustainable results.
You are beyond frustrated and wonder if you’re just meant to be overweight…
I speak with so many men that are over 40 years old that have tried so many diets and nothing seems to work…
So, when they come across The BioHack The Fat Body Transformation System, they are no doubt skeptical…
“How can this be any different” they ask….
But after going through our 3-month system and achieving their weight loss goals, they have a complete understanding on how to lose body fat and why it never worked before.
You see “Biohacking” refers to changing the functionality of our biology.
Something that diets fail to do.
If you want to get long term weight loss results, you need to change how your body functions internally.
You have to switch your metabolic system to use body fat for energy to fuel cells each day.
This is accomplished only when you eat the right food combinations at the right time throughout the day.
Food is much like a drug and can turn ON and OFF the fat-burning switches in your body.
So, if your wat the wrong foods in the wrong combinations, these foods activate hormones that switch OFF the fat burning process.
Moreover, these foods will also trigger your body to switch ON the fat storing capabilities in the body, making it way more likely for that food to be stored as body fat.
Now the opposite is true!
If you eat the right food combinations at the right time during the day, these foods will trigger your body to switch on the FAT BURNING SYSTEM in your body, and you will automatically start to use your own body fat for energy 24/7
That’s how powerful food is!
It has the capability to put your body into a fat storing mode or a fat-burning mode.
This is why Biohacking is so different then dieting.
Diets only focus in on caloric restriction.
Which means you are just eating smaller portion sizes of foods that trigger the fat-storing process in the body.
You may see some results because you’re eating less food, but because you’re eating foods that trigger your fat-storing hormones, eventually those results will cease.
So, when you become a biohacker within our system, you will be given specific meal plans that are tailored to your unique biology.
These meal plans are scientifically created to help SWITCH ON the fat-burning system in your body, WITHOUT restricting calories!
That’s the power of Biohacking!
All of our men that enter into our Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System lose 30- 60 lbs. of pure body fat in just 3 months!
Now that’s powerful!
They do this without dieting or restricting calories!
Now it’s your turn!
You can experience the power of Biohacking!
Enrollment is now open for The Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System
Our Biohacking coaches will be able to coach you and get your body to switch into a fat-burning mode quickly so you can lose the beer belly and achieve the body and health that you deserve.
Lose 30–60 lbs. of pure body fat WITHOUT the need to go on a diet or exercise in a gym 6x/week.
Become Biohacked in 2021!
This is your time, and you can do it, click the link below and let’s get your body Biohacked!
Trevor Folgering — Founder of Biohacked